"dodo rencontres henry purcell 2023/24"
statement: dodo is an extincted famous bird on the island of mauritius in the indean ocean who was unable to fly, while henry purcell was an english baroque music composer from england whose exact birthday date is still unknown. both lived contemporaneously during 17th century.
a kind of fluid approach.

"the paddle I - weeps of crocodile" oil and oil pastels on wood, 30x45 cm

"the paddle II - o.t." oil and oil pastels on wood, 30x45 cm

"DRONTE RUN" oil and acryl on canvas, 110x95cm
The Dodo (Raphus cucullatus , also Dronte, Dudu) was discovered and described in early 17th (decline starts at 1598) century (from Dutch Ships), Some illustrations were made but it is very unclear, that they represent the Dodo enough. It seems that the mystical existence of Dodo started when it still lived. The human is reponsible for the fast extinction: with ships came rats and other exotic animals to Mauritius: they ate the eggs (ground breeding bird) like the humans did too. The meat of the bird was a welcome dish of hungry sailors. Dodo had no enemies before, it was not able to fly and not afraid of humans. So the last Dodo report was at 1690. During its presence period some Dodos were brought to Europe (dead/alive).

"o.t" oil pastels on paper, each 40x40cm
About the personal living of Henry Purcell is not much left. He was born in 1659 in England. He started early to compose and because of his talent he was called Orpheus britannicus and worked at Westminster Abbey . He wrote famous baroque semi-operas and was very successful and hyped during his living period. He died in early age in 1695. In modern times Purcell does not enjoy the support he deserves, although many opinions strongly recommend him.
"through window" aquarell on paper, 6 - each 7.5x7.5cm

"hide as a DoDo" oil, acryl on canvas 80x80 cm

"" oil, acryl on wood 23x30 cm

"" oil on wood, 30x23 cm
some involving connections
Film „Purcell: England, my England“ by Toni Palmer, 1995
Literature - Lewis Carroll´s book „Alice in Wonderland“ between chapter 3 and 4, appearance of Dodo. 1865
Natural History Museum Vienna – Dodo showcase
Music, Operas from Henry Purcell in various interpretations (King Arthur, Dido and Aeneas, Fairy Queen, Indian queen,… thanks to büchereien.wien)
famous Dodo painter Roelant Savery (dutch painter), 1628, "Edwards Dodo" at Natural History Museum, London,
paper: The history of the Dodo Raphus cucullatus and the penguin of Mauritius by JULIAN P. HUME 1,2 , Historical Biology, 2006; 18(2): 65–89